Webinar: Charting the Course to an Effective In-plant
In 1825, Buffalo, New York was selected to become the western terminus for the Erie Canal and it quickly grew thereafter to become one of the busiest ports in the Great Lakes region. In those days, traversing the Great Lakes was profitable but also dangerous. There are now an estimated 6,000 shipwrecks beneath the waters of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. Just as a ship can be lost for a variety of reasons, there also multiple ideas to explain why an organization would lose its in-house print services provider. This session will examine a specific case of one 19th century shipwreck and compare that mishap with the closing of a 21st century in-plant. Along the way, attendees will be introduced to IPMA’s 2022 White Paper, Obtaining Value Through Vertical Integration which outlines the clear business advantages of internalizing support services. Join us as we embark on a voyage through data and best practices and don’t let your in-plant be lost in the sea of misinformation about outsourcing.
For IPMA members only.
Click here to register.
Dwayne Magee, CGCM– Director of Messiah Press and Postal Services