Please join us to learn how in-plants are maximizing their investment in technology and talent which is more important than ever before. Hear best practices on how a production inkjet press can increase efficiencies, reduce waste and positively impact the environment while offering a wide range of printed materials. Can one press really produce everything from business cards to posters, and nearly everything in between? Find out how inkjet systems can reduce the need for several pieces of equipment, and operators.
Discover how digital embellishment can add value to print and differentiate your organization and your in-plant from the competition. 2D and 3D gloss varnish and foil accents add a unique touch to any printed piece instantly and in-house.
If security is a concern for your organization, find out how digital embellishment can quickly and efficiently enhance security to control unauthorized reproduction of printed pieces.
For IPMA members only.
Click here to register.
Bret Riecke – Vice President, Industrial Print Solutions, Konica Minolta Business Solutions
Ashley Gorfine– Sr. Director of Business Development, Industrial & Production Print, Konica Minolta Business Solutions
John Yerger – Director, Print, Copy, Merchandising, Mail & Distribution Services, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
John has been in the printing industry all of his life as he is the 5th generation printer. John has worked just about every aspect in printing from a “printer’s devil” to pressman, bindery, sales and marketing, estimator, production manager, general manager and owner. He has over 32 years of senior management experience in both private sector and Higher Education print operations and has increased sales and profits in each operation. While directing Stephen F. Austin State University Printing Services, it was named IPMA Print Center of the Year. Currently the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Print & Mail Services is strong in offset at 70% and 25% digital production with 44 FTE’s. His operation was 11th largest higher education in-plant last year with being in the top 10 the previous 4 years in In-plant Impressions Rankings. John lives in Lincoln with his wife, Loretta and has been with the university for 6 years.