October 30, 2019
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm CDT
There’s this little-known way of staying top-of-mind and generating awareness in today’s modern marketing world. Hardly anybody is talking about it.
But once you learn the method, you’ll see a marked difference in how fast you can get your organization to engage you with requests for print products and services.
During this webinar, we’ll show you behind the scenes of a campaign using this unconventional technique, and how it creates 23 in-bound leads p/day.
Once you’re familiar with how this works, you’ll find the techniques are simple … but they’re not easy unless you know the 3 secrets that unlock the process:
“SECRET #1: How to Ethically Steal Content That Has Already Been Proven to Work”
“SECRET #2: How to Use This Proven Content to Create More Leads for Your In-Plant In Less Than 45 Minutes (This Is Easier Than You’d Think)”
“SECRET #3: How *This* Weird Strategy Helps You Overcome a Lack of Awareness and Prove Your Value to Management
All live attendees get ‘forever-free’ access to MindFire Da Vinci, the #1 marketing solution for print service providers.
David Rosendahl

David is the president & co-founder of MindFire, a two-time Inc500 award-winning software company. Commercial printers, agencies, & brands like BMW, Microsoft, Harvard, Facebook, & 15,000+ other companies grow their leads & sales with MindFire’s unique marketing platform that finds & engages clients using direct mail, email, & social.