Would you agree that the amount of work sent to your in-plant is directly related to how well you get the message out about your products and services?
While there are unique challenges related to running a thriving in-plant, the need to remain top-of-mind with potential clients is a common struggle for all types of organizations.
Even as a high-tech business, which I am blessed to find myself a part of, we’ve experienced the same frustration with scaling a predictable flow of leads and sales.
And because the problem remains so prevalent, about 2.5 years ago we decided to throw ourselves head-first into understanding why this problem remains intractable for organizations of all shapes and sizes.
What we found surprised us.
The Findings
What we discovered — which I posit is true for most businesses and your in-plant alike — is that:
- Generally speaking, an organization’s target market reacts favorably to well-written, informative content (like blogs, videos, case studies, short stories, eBooks, podcasts, and so on).
- When used correctly, the right kind of content — used in the proper sequence and cadence — generates activity that can be used to advance revenue-generating opportunities.
- However, because most organizations are resource-challenged, it is difficult, time-consuming, and expensive to create quality campaign content.
- Further, even if organizations have a way to create valuable content, consumer preferences are changing — quickly. Knowing how to engage in all modern channels to achieve business results is tricky.
- Even if an organization finds a way to create valuable content and publish it in ways that take advantage of modern marketing techniques, few organizations understand how to effectively leverage digital body language to engage prospective clients and fill their pipelines.
These challenges are significant, even for an organization with resources.
But how about for an in-plant, which is resource-constrained as it is?
Fortunately, we stumbled upon a very odd and unconventional way of generating more leads and awareness than we ever imagined — without requiring more resources.
The Solution
Over the next few posts, we’re going to share a behind-the-scenes view of how we discovered this odd technique so that you can also apply it to your in-plant.
When used correctly, you can:
- Ethically use the highest performing content other people have created … for your in-plant’s promotional campaigns;
- Employ that content to create awareness, leads, and orders for your in-plant — as long as you know the specific campaign workflows that are proven to work; and
- Use the digital body language exhibited by the participants to maximize your lead flow (and, how to create leads in the last place most people would think to look).
For those of you who like podcasts, the method was featured on the “Pixels & Ink” podcast (https://mindfiredavinci.com/podcast-this-weird-lead-gen-strategy-could-save-your-company/) and will be covered in an upcoming IPMA Webinar which will take you through the process, step-by-step.
Click here to register for IPMA’s Webinar “How In-plants Can Promote Their Print Services & Overcome a Lack of Awareness Using a Little-Known Strategy That Nearly Guarantees Results … (Without Having to Create Marketing Content or Hire More Staff)” on October 30, 2019 1:30-2:30 CDT. Looking forward to having you join me!

David is the president & co-founder of MindFire, a two-time Inc500 award-winning software company. Commercial printers, agencies, & brands like BMW, Microsoft, Harvard, Facebook, & 15,000+ other companies grow their leads & sales with MindFire’s unique marketing platform that finds & engages clients using direct mail, email, & social.