Carrie celebrated her 34th postal anniversary this March. She is a Senior Product Development Specialist with the Product and Innovation team and is the lead program manager for Informed Delivery. Carrie has worked on many major programs, including the Postal Service’s original package scanning product, now known at USPS Tracking.
Informed Delivery Overview and 2019 Promotion Program
This session introduces Informed Delivery, an innovative digital feature that allows users to preview their mail and packages scheduled for delivery. Informed Delivery’s unique blend of digital and print offers business mailers the opportunity to engage users through an integrated mail and digital marketing campaign that generates additional consumer impressions, interactions, and insights. Learn how Informed Delivery interactive campaigns can increase the value of your mail and deepen customer engagement – as well as provide you a postage savings with the 2019 Informed Delivery Promotion Program!
How to Create an Informed Delivery Interactive Campaign
Informed Delivery offers mailers the opportunity to enhance and extend the mail moment through colorful, interactive campaign elements that contain compelling offers and strong calls to action. This workshop will cover how to initiate and conduct interactive campaigns, view campaign data and results, implement best practices for successful campaigns, and more.