What does that mean?
It’s time to show off who you are and what your in-plant can do. To your customers and potential customers, your management, and the world. It’s time to bring attention to our amazing industry and show how we shine. And it’s time to unite in the span of a month and do this through IPMA’s In-plant Awareness Month!
In-plant tours, open houses, lunch and learns, career days, videos– we’re doing them all. We’re meeting our customers. Distributing sample packs. And we’re experimenting with augmented reality, embellishment, and creative ways to get our message out.
We’ve created new services and we’ve added new equipment. Sometimes consolidating while expanding offerings. And we’re showcasing them.
We’re building excitement! Let’s share our success stories and show how our industry is thriving.
Let’s show who we are. Photographs. Video. Print. Mail. Websites. Social Media.
And, if you’re an IPMA member, share them with us and be featured on our website and social media to share the celebration. Just contact us.
When you post on social media, use #InPlantsRock, #InPlantAwareness, and #InPlant and tag @IPMAHQ on Twitter and Instagram, and IPMA Headquarters on Facebook to get noticed by your peers.
On February 20th, nearly half of EAA’s organization attended the in-plant’s open house.
They had 3 demos where employees cut their own Note Pads, coiled their own Planner date books. and created their own Custom Buttons.
Displays included Membership mailings, Boxed Kits of educational matter they produce and ship, and Distribution fulfillment done for all departments.
Along with refreshments and prizes it was a great day at EAA!
For In-plant Awareness month, Oklahoma City Community College had their first ever open house! They had two wonderful vendors in to give away swag and answer questions about their products: Clampitt Paper and Print Finishing Systems (PFS).
Over 150 people attended the open house. Read the article the college did about the open house.