IPMA's exclusive members-only insource services exchange.
Sometimes you may get jobs that you can’t handle in-house. If you can outsource or insource, you never want turn those down. With IPMA’s exclusive Peer-to-Peer Marketplace, IPMA members that are allowed to insource can help you. If you can do the same, other IPMA members can come to you. Who better to partner with than another IPMA in-plant? It’s a win-win, and you can add services to your portfolio that you couldn’t normally offer.
How it works.
If your in-plant offers insourced services, the Marketplace allows you to share information about these services with your IPMA peers and solicit their business. It can help you fill capacity on your current equipment and may allow you to add equipment, software and solutions if the market dictates, possibly allowing you to offer new and/or additional services to your parent institution.
And if your in-plant is searching for services that you don’t provide but need on a temporary basis, you can find IPMA member institutions that may provide a solution. Plus you can find services and products from peer in-plants that you can purchase at possibly lower rates than your current supplier and expand your offerings.
When you’re in the market for new equipment, solutions, software or services, the Marketplace gives you peer contacts for references to help in your evaluation. Plus you can list your mix so that other members may use you as a reference point, even if you don’t offer insourcing at this time.