May 3, 2023
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm CT
The Mailers Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) held their quarterly meeting March 28-29, 2023. In this webinar, we’ll cover the highlights from that meeting including updates on:
- S&DC deployment
- Electric Vehicles
- USPS Information Technology
- Customer Experience
- Remittance Mail
- Leadership Connect – Mentoring Program
Plus, comments from Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.
For IPMA members only.
Mark Fallon– President and CEO, The Berkshire Company

Mark M. Fallon is president and CEO of The Berkshire Company, a consulting firm specializing in mail and document processing strategies. The company develops customized solutions integrating proven management concepts with emerging technologies to achieve total process management. He offers a vision of the document that integrates technology, data quality, process integrity, and electronic delivery. His successes are based upon using leadership to implement innovative solutions in the document process. You can contact Mark at [email protected].