When I first started attending the IPMA conferences I didn’t know what to expect. I did not realize that I would be entering into a whole new world of professionals who cared about what you do and wanted to invest their knowledge with you. I have been with IPMA since 2011 and every year there is always something new at conference that I walk away with. IPMA has so much to offer in the way of online resources for any in-plant professional to take advantage of. Whether it’d be a simple project or a complex situation, the folks of IPMA are ready to help you out. I have had so many great opportunities to be involved with IPMA, such as: breakout session presenter, past board member, membership officer, education officer, conference chair and created what you know today as the “Road Show Tour”.

IPMA is unique in the way that we are all on the same playing field and stage. There are no secrets to what we do and we can all share our experiences and knowledge together. The common thread is that if you are experiencing something, then chances are so is someone else. Beyond the plethora of information and resources at your fingertips, IPMA provides a wealth of networking opportunities. When you network and build bridges, your vast knowledge increases and you begin to grow as a leader.
And finally, IPMA is the people!!! It has been shared many times that you can go to any professional conference and be fed with great information and tools. But, when it comes to a professional association, IPMA makes it a priority to put its people first. That is what IPMA is most known for and that is what stands IPMA apart from any other association.
Whatever level you wish to be involved with, that is completely up to you. But one thing is for certain, at IPMA not only are we family, but we are all in this together!

Richard Silver is the Director of Mail and Print Services at George Fox University and has been on the forefront for eight years. He is constantly challenging his staff to be innovative and creating new ways to stay relevant in this ever-changing industry.