The June 2022 article of the Graphic Communication Advisors Group—GCAG ( is by Cal Poly Professor Emeritus, Harvey R. Levenson, who is also coordinator of the GCAG.
Entitled, PAPER—YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW—CHANGE IS ON THE WAY! Levenson describes what he calls the evolution of “Paper to Paper” and the use of paper in the printing industry’s future. He says: “Paper, the magical carrier of knowledge and information, has been the most pervasive vehicle to advance civilization for centuries.” Levenson explains that imaging on paper (text and graphics) is what made print the most meaningful, detailed, pervasive, and influential media. He maintains that it will continue to be so, but the nature of paper as a substrate for the delivery of content is changing.
Levenson said, “What I’ve written is from years of researching the earliest concepts about the changing structure of substrates, and how paper is becoming digital. History shows that concepts about technology often become realities, but sometime takes decades to evolve.” His paper addresses the evolution from traditional paper to synthetic paper to e-ink/e-paper to “clickable paper,” and “smart packaging.” Previous studies are cited on the advantages of “printed” books and other media, whether on traditional or electronic paper.
Levenson’s full paper is available at: Microsoft Word – 11 PT. – HR LEVENSON -= GCAG PAPER—YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW—FORMATTED copy 4.docx (

Harvey R. Levenson
About the Graphic Communication Advisors Group
The Raymond J. Prince Graphic Communication Advisors Group ( is a group of specialists and experts accessible to the printing, publishing, packaging, and related communities. The group provides fresh, outside perspectives representing a broad range of experiences and a long-term commitment to all facets of the graphic arts industries. Many of the GCAG consultants and practitioners are industry’s “household names” and best-known managers, technologists, scientists, researchers, authors, and Expert Witnesses. They bring the power of their deep expertise and problem-solving acumen to bear on training and solving difficult problems.