In the Graphic Communication Advisors Group (GCAG) December 2022 article, GCAG Coordinator, Harvey Levenson, pays tribute to those GCAG Advisors who contributed wisdom and knowledge to improve the printing industry.
In doing so, Levenson, also a Cal Poly Emeritus Professor, presents those 2022 monthly-published papers as a journal for the industry to have in one online publication. Levenson said: “Many of the authors are well-know authorities who have dedicated their professional lives to improving the printing industry through education, management, technology, design, and related areas.”
For the entire article, including links to each of the GCAG 2022 papers, see: Microsoft Word – HRL GCAG 12-2022.docx (

About the Graphic Communication Advisors Group
The Raymond J. Prince Graphic Communication Advisors Group ( is a group of specialists and experts accessible to the printing, publishing, packaging, and related communities. The group provides fresh, outside perspectives representing a broad range of experiences and a long-term commitment to all facets of the graphic arts industries. Many of the GCAG consultants and practitioners are industry’s “household names” and best-known managers, technologists, scientists, researchers, authors, and Expert Witnesses. They bring the power of their deep expertise and problem-solving acumen to bear on training and solving difficult problems.