Greg Cholmondeley is President of PRINTelligence Consulting, which provides workflow and business enhancement analysis, advice, and recommendations for in-plants and commercial printers. He has been in the production printing industry for over 35 years and written strategic and market attack plans for companies like Xerox, Océ, Ricoh, PODi, and Caslon.
What In-plants Need to Do to Stay Alive in 2019
IPMA sponsored a self assessment study which collected and analyzed data on eighteen dimensions of in-plant health. The hundred participating in-plants averaged passing grades in only half of these areas. In this session, Greg Cholmondeley, President of PRINTelligence Consulting, will summarize the study’s findings to identify areas where in-plants are strong and where they are struggling, highlight the differences between IPMA member and non-member in-plants, and provide an overview of the areas where in-plants need to focus to succeed in 2019.
Writing and Utilizing a Relevant Strategic Plan
Strategic plans can be powerful tools to strengthen and grow your in-plant printing and mailing operation or they can be a waste of time to satisfy a management demand. This session will outline the elements of effective strategic plans, how to efficiently develop their content, and how to leverage what you write to grow your operation while gaining support from senior management. It will discuss how to link your objectives with your institution’s and clients’ goals, unearth your strategic value, transform SWOT Analysis into PACE Analysis, and recommend next steps to utilize your plan instead of simply stuffing it in a desk drawer.
Leveraging Best Practices to Increase the Value of Print Operations
During this session, Joe Morgan, Founder and CEO of siY, LLC, will moderate a session with thought leaders from leading print operations on how to increase the value of your print operation by both saving money and creating value. We will discuss in-plant success stories and emerging trends in data analytics, web-to-print, and other technologies that are driving innovation in the print industry.
- John Cruser, Bloomberg
- John Sarantakos, University of Oklahoma
- Tammy Golden, State of Tennessee
- Greg Cholmondeley, President, Printelligence